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Best Straight Razors for a Sexy, Clean Shave

Best Straight Razors for a Sexy, Clean Shave

While beards are a hot trend, having a clean-shaven, smooth face is just as sexy.

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While this is true, there are many men who are stuck on their traditional cartridge razors. Now may be a good time to make a change and find the best straight razor.

using straight razor

For many men, shaving with a straight razor causes fear and dread. This makes sense if you really think about it; after all, this device is often called a "cutthroat razor."

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While the terminology may be intimidating, it isn't as scary as it may seem. Once you get the right technique down, you may find this is your new, favorite shaving method.

Remember, though, that finding the best straight razor matters. Keep reading to find out our top picks for straight edge razors and straight razor kits.

The Best Straight Razors

Naked Armor Solomon

Best For Durability

Naked Armor Solomon

You can't beat the durability offered by the Naked Armor Solomon straight razor. It features a sharp, Japanese made steel blade and comes with a lifetime and money-back guarantee. What's even better, you can get this for a fair price. 

Just remember, this option doesn't have some of the features of the higher-priced options, in our opinion.

The Art of Shaving

Best For Safety

The Art of Shaving

The Art of Shaving safety razor offers a high level of function and style for any user. Along with that, it is built with safety in mind. You get the close shave of a straight razor, without the perceived danger. 

These razors are also designed to stand up to rust and wear, which means it will last in a wet environment. Experts recommend shaving after a warm shower to achieve the best results with this razor.

Samson Shavette

Best for Beginners

Samson Shavette

The Samson Shavette features a replaceable blade to ensure you get a close shave every time. While the razor is perfect for beginners, experts at the straight shaving game appreciate its smart design and ease-of-use. 

The blade is ready to use right out of the box and comes with one blade already installed on the handle. Plus, the replacement process is easy, and since you put in a new blade every five to 10 shaves, it's also a hygienic product.


Best for Old-School Shavers


If you are looking for a straight razor straight out of the Wild West, this is the one you want to buy. When it comes to old-school shaving, it doesn't get any better than Dovo. This shavette is well-balanced and considered a great option for both novice and expert shavers.

100% Wood Handle - Haryali Fashion London

Best for Style

Haryali Fashion London

The Haryali Fashion London straight razor's pure wood handle eliminates the worry of slippery, wet hands. This razor has been carefully weighted, providing the perfect force and balance for a close, even shave. You will also appreciate the included leather storage pouch to keep the razor safe until you need it again.  

Diane Shaving Razor

Best Low-Cost Option

Diane Shaving Razor

Are you looking for an effective straight razor that is also on the more affordable end of the spectrum? If so, you can't go wrong with the Diane shaving razor. While the quality isn't quite as high as the other options, it does feature a high carbon blade that was made in Solingen. 

It has a nice aesthetic and provides a good, clean cut. However, unlike some other options, the blade does not come ready-to-use. You will have to sharpen it before trying to shave.


Best for Performance


This straight razor is one that gets right to the point. It offers a quality grip and comes shave ready. The stainless-steel scales and the easy-care coating ensure the razor stands up to any environment. Even better, BOG is a veteran-owned business, which means you are supporting veterans with every purchase.

How to Shave with a Straight Razor

Straight razors work by providing a smooth, close shave using a single, extremely sharp blade. Compared to cartridge razors, straight razors are much more flexible and easier to maneuver. You can adjust the angle and direction as needed.

Before getting started, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, make sure you shave in a sink rather than in the shower. Be sure to have a hot towel ready, too. Before starting, use a pre-shave cream or oil and apply it using a badger hair brush, which helps pull your hair away from the skin.


Choose one of the best straight razors on our list, and to use it hold it at an angle that is almost parallel to your skin. With your other hand, pull the skin away from the razor's blade and make sure it remains taut. Shave in a downward motion, following the grain. 

You should use smooth, small strokes. Rinse away the hair and shaving cream after each stroke so you can see what you are doing.

Benefits of a Straight Razor

While the straight razor may seem a bit intimidating at first with the sharp, long design, you should not let the sharpness and length scare you away. There are more than a few benefits offered by using this type of razor, including:

  • Precise and controlled shave
  • Prevents common beard growth problems
  • Prevents irritation and bumps
  • No need to spend on shaving supplies
straight razor

Do Straight Razors Provide a Better Shave?

A straight razor is a great addition to your grooming routine. While the shave is not exactly closer, it is much smoother, and it will last long.

How Can You Maintain Your Straight Razor?

If you decide to invest in a straight razor, chances are you want to make sure it lasts. If so, maintenance is necessary. A leather strap is needed to maintain the sharpness of your razor. While stropping doesn't sharpen the blade exactly, it helps to smooth and align the edge. 

best straight razor

Honing is also necessary, which requires a sharpening stone. There are two options - oil and water stones. A water stone is our recommendation because they are harder and provide a finer edge.

Buying the Best Straight Razor

If you are ready to see what all the fuss is about, consider buying one of the best straight razors mentioned above. Many men have tried this shaving method once and have never gone back to traditional cartridge razors. 

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