There are various comb styles, and the one for you depends on your hair, hair growth patterns, style, hair loss, and head shape.
A comb over has short back and sides and longer top hair pushed to the left or the right, away from the part.
It’s the cologne for the guy who doesn’t wear cologne. It does fade quickly though so be prepared to reapply.
Do you choose a high fade, mid fade comb over, or low fade comb over? A high fade adds visual length and sharpness for a wide face. For a long, narrow face go for a low fade to avoid accentuating length.
Make sure you understand your hair’s natural patterns before you decide on it. You want to be able to comb your hair without the use of additional products.
Read the article for the specifics on the high, the mid and the low fade and exactly how to ask your barber for each of these.
Music Artist: HoliznaPATREON. Source: Free Music Archive. Licence Type: CC BY-NC